Tuesday Night Sessions (Workshops) – Presentation

Members will be more than aware of the arrival of Tuesday Night Sessions. These sessions have been discussed on numerous occasions and referred to by many of you who hold down a regular nine-to-five job and are unable to make it to events that take place during work hours.

So we hear you and we are more than pleased to let you know that Tuesday Night Sessions will be a permanent fixture on the calendar this year. These sessions will be primarily led by Paulo Viegas but with support from other leading members of the group when and where necessary, depending on the discussion/ workshop being done.

The first TNS will take place on January the11th at 20:00 at the museum. This will be more of a discussion session for us to gauge and understand what topics and activities you’d like to see moving forwards.

  • What are the challenges you have as a photographer?
  • Look at the themes that are set for 2022. Do any of these present any challenges to you that you’d like to dive into?
  • Is there a specific area that you’d like to know more about?
  • How well do you know and understand the camera you have?

The discussion will be open and all members are welcome to come on over and join in. The more, the better. Remember that the objective of these sessions is to enable you to improve your skills as a photographer whatever your level may be.


Workshop – Flower Photography (Postponed UFN).

The Flower Photography Workshop has been postponed until further notice due to further restrictions being implemented relating to social gatherings.

We apologise for the short notice and for any inconvenience.

Workshop – Food Photography

The Food Photography Workshop will be led by Tony Woods. It is aimed at explaining to participants a few techniques of photographing food to make it look more appealing.

Participants will absorb the information and then be asked to put that information into practice as they too can have their opportunity to take photos ( one at a time in an orderly fashion) so be sure to bring your gear.

Although this workshop will be held outside and enforcing social distancing policies, members are asked to register their intention to participate so that we have a good idea of numbers involved and also to ensure we use an adequate location outside.

Please use the APG e-mail to Register by the 1st September.

Workshop – Long Exposure (Postponed)

Due to social limitations still in place, this workshop has been postponed. Further information to it being rescheduled will be made available as soon as possible.

The Long Exposure Workshop will be led by Daryl Gabin. The workshop will require the ability to use your camera in Manual mode and a tripod.  The location for the workshop will be advised nearer the time but we’ll be looking to get out and about for this workshop as this will be a hand-on session that is being created to help members understand how to take photos using long shutter speeds. There will be an exhibition on this theme in July so this is not a workshop to be missed.

Workshop – Macro/Close-Ups (postponed)

Jumping Spider by Neil Adamson will now be postponed until further notice.

Due to social limitations still in place, this workshop has been postponed. Further information to it being rescheduled will be made available as soon as possible.

This workshop will provide insight into taking macro /close-up photos of a wide variety of subjects. The session is scheduled to be led by our own Neil Adamson.

Neil intends to cover the basics of Macro photography as well as areas such as stacking and extension tubes

Workshop – Landscapes (To be rescheduled)

Unfortunately, due to National Health enforcements, this workshop has been postponed and is due to be rescheduled in due course. 

The event will be updated as soon as we have more information.

Workshop – Beginners Guide to Wildlife Photography (Postponed)

Unfortunately, due to National Health enforcements, this workshop has been postponed and is due to be rescheduled in due course. 

This Workshop will be led by Craig Rogers, a Nature and Wildlife photography expert in the Algarve.  He will be talking about and presenting an introduction to the world of Wildlife Photography in general.